Thursday, June 3, 2010

You Only Need One Friend And You Will Survive

Those were the words spoken to me by my best friend who definitely has some experience with moving away from home and knowing no one. And they are very true.

Two weeks in I have have watched a LOT of tv. Although not the shows that I am used to watching. Gossip Girl, The Food Network, and HGTV were replaced with the Gameshow Network, ESPN, and the Business News Network. Great.

After watching these shows day-in and day-out while waiting for my summer job to start it seemed that my summer was not going to be as exciting as I had hoped. But you never know whats around the corner right?

One evening while enjoying Jeopardy (insert sarcasm here) an unexpected phone call came. One from my Dad's best friends wife, Rona. Asking me if I would like to go with her and her daughter Bryanna to the hair salon. I literally jumped at the chance to get out of the house. Thank God!

Little did I know that this was the chance to met at least one person my age that had friendship potential while here for the summer. Wendy is 22, a hair dresser, and my escape to get away from my grandparents for a little while and well possibly get into trouble with (don't worry dad, not that much trouble!).

Mission One: Find a Friend - Accomplished!

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