Thursday, June 3, 2010

Stag 'n'doe. What???

After having been out with Wendy and the girls only the night before for the first time, they decided to give me a shout. Instead of the movie night, they invited me to what would be my first Stag 'n' Doe. Without having a clue to what I had just agreed to they were on their way to pick me up.

A Stag 'n' Doe for those of you who don't know; its where a bride and groom to be sell tickets to a huge party to raise money for the wedding. Basically it is a curling club, a LOT of booze, music, and door prizes. Or another reason to throw a party in a small town. Who are we kidding, I'm game.

The stag 'n' doe was a blast. Drinks, music, dancing, free food, need I say more? The funnier part of the night was how I realized that I was now living in a small town. After telling Wendy that I would like to be home around midnight, most people there that I somewhat knew found it hilarious and ridiculous that my grandparents had set a curfew for me. Not only did the people at the stag 'n' doe know but also my father, my brother, and my aunt and uncle; who all live anywhere from two hours away to half way across the country.

So as midnight was encroaching, the circling of the horses began (as my dad would put it). We rallied everyone up into someones Denali and headed back home. Although we had a wee bit of a hiccup on the way.

None of us were expecting to see a check stop on the way into town. We had the sober driver, but only had four seatbelts when six were needed. So thankfully we were able to cut down the 10th concession to escape. Unfortunately the cops had already spotted us and sent a car to follow us to see if there was reason to pull us over. Not only did they speed and whip around corners to catch up to us they also followed us halfway through town. They soon realized that we had just taken a "short-cut" to get home. Thankfully they needed to drop me off.

That night I learned never to break traffic laws in a town of 6000 that employs 32 police officers. Just a tad but excessive, if I do say so myself.

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